Fife Tourism Partnership

Gaelic for Tourism

This toolkit has been developed by Fife For Industryin collaboration with Fife Council’s ‘Gaelic in Fife’ and Donald MacKenzie, Chair of Dunfermline & West LTA & owner of tour company Clan MacKenzie Routes. Its intention is to show how tourism businesses can engage with Gaelic and provide information and marketing materials that can be used to promote your business and Fife.

The promotion of Gaelic tourism in Fife is not only positive for the heritage enrichment of the area but is also beneficial for tourism businesses.

  •  VisitScotland Research in 2011/12 showed that 51% of people visiting Scotland were interested in Gaelic or Gaelic culture and would like to find out more.
  • Data shows that 86% of millennials travel for experience and culture, immersing themselves into their destination – 60% ranks authentic culture as the essential part of their trip, 78% wanted their visit to be educational.
  • HIE Report ‘The economic and social value of Gaelic as an asset’ shows that the potential economic value of Gaelic as an asset to the Scottish economy could be in the region of between £82M to £149M
  • Four in five users on VisitScotland’s website, who viewed Gaelic content were from outside the UK. USA & Germany had the largest proportions. 

 Welcome to Fife has created a video about Fife’s Gaelic heritage that can be used as a resource for your business to share:

We aim to encourage Fifers and visitors to easily recognise that Gaelic is all around and easily make those connections to heritage and history and see Gaelic as a tool for the future. 

Any questions please email
