Industry Welcome to Fife

Welcome to Fife highlights the Kingdoms Gaelic Heritage in new promotional film

22 September 2022

Welcome to Fife has released a promotional film highlighting the often-unknown history and heritage of Gaelic in the Kingdom.

The film, aimed at both domestic and international tourists focuses on many of the archaeological and natural sites in Fife. This will encourage Fifers and visitors to recognise that Gaelic is all around, easily make those connections to heritage and history and see Gaelic as a tool for the future.

The film was made possible through funding by Bòrd na Gàidhlig under its Heritage and Landscape project and as part of VisitScotland’s Year of Stories 2022.

Thuirt Brian Ó hEadhra, Manaidsear Chom-pàirteachasan is Maoineachaidh, Bòrd na Gàidhlig: “Tha sinn air leth toilichte taic a chur ris a’ phròiseact seo agus e ag amas air Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh san sgìre a bharrachd air eòlas a thoirt do dhaoine mun Ghàidhlig a tha nan dualchas is cultur. Tha seo a’ cur ri amasan a’ Phlana Nàiseanta gus Gàidhlig àbhaisteachadh nar coimhearsnachdan.”

Brian Ó hEadhra, Partnerships and Funding Manager, Bòrd na Gàidhlig said: “We are delighted to support this project which aims to promote Gaelic in the area as well as inform people of their Gaelic heritage and culture. This also supports the aims of the National Gaelic Language Plan to normalise Gaelic in our communities.”

The film highlights businesses which have achieved Gaelic Friendly Status. The scheme aims to make the language more visible and raise the profile of Gaelic across a wide range of businesses, community venues, outdoor destinations, museums, and historic sites; allowing visitors to choose to engage more fully in the Gaelic aspects of Fife.

The approach plans to imbed heritage and landscape engagement in communities while simultaneously engaging with businesses, specifically those linked to tourism, to support them to engage with the programs and resources as an asset for their business.

Cllr Altany Craik, Spokesperson for Tourism said: “Many people are unaware of Fife's rich Gaelic history and this film will be a key asset in promoting our heritage to Fifers and visitors alike”

The usage of Scottish Gaelic is beneficial for businesses and the Scottish tourism industry as a whole as research by VisitScotland found that 51% of people visiting Scotland were interested in Gaelic or Gaelic culture and would like to find out more.

The film, created by Midgiebite Media will be promoted on the dedicated Gaelic heritage page on the recently redeveloped Welcome to Fife website as well as through social media channels. 

For more information about Gaelic Tourism in Fife contact

For more information about Gaelic and communities in Fife contact 

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