Fife Tourism Partnership

Public Engagement - Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) 

18 September 2023

The public engagement exercise for Fife Council’s new Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy is now live. The strategy and accompanying delivery plan will focus on improving energy efficiency and decarbonising heat for buildings across Fife to help move towards Net Zero and other key targets.  

To access the documents and complete an online survey please click here: Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) & Delivery Plan | Fife Council. The online survey will be open for 6 weeks until 29th October. 

We are seeking your feedback on: 

·         the vision of this strategy, 

·         our identified priorities, 

·         the scope of the high-level delivery plan, and  

·         any further actions we should include when developing our detailed delivery plan. 

Survey responses will be summarised and published once the survey has closed. Feedback will either be incorporated into the final strategy or considered when developing the detailed delivery plan. 

We are also hosting an online public information session on 5th October, 6pm-7pm. This will provide the opportunity for you to provide feedback and ask questions in a more informal manner. You can register to attend here.  

By engaging with us, this is your opportunity to have your say to help shape Fife’s first Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy, to ensure it helps make Fife’s buildings greener. 

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