Industry Welcome to Fife

Making Bus Journeys Better in Fife

6 June 2022

Fife Council are looking to improve the bus network across Fife, for residents, business, and visitors alike, and we want you to have your say.

The project aims to make it easier, and more attractive to take the bus in Fife because at the moment, it is not as easy or convenient as we would like it to be. We want to understand the problems you are currently having with accessing the bus, so that it can one day be as convenient as driving. We are still in the very early stages of this project so there are no designs or changes currently proposed but your feedback is important as your answers will feed into designs at the next stage.

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This project aims to make bus experience better in Fife, by making bus travel quicker and more reliable, improving transport connections to jobs and other important destinations. This will help to reduce carbon emissions associated with transport to help address climate change by encouraging a change from car to bus. It ill also encourage new people in our communities to consider using sustainable transport.


  • Reduced delays along bus routes meaning buses arrive on time
  • Improve access to bus by improving connections between bus services and other rail and active travel networks
  • Increase bus attractiveness by reducing journey times to key destinations

Fill in the survey here.

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