Fife's Place Plan - Developing thriving places for the future
Fife's Local Place Plan (Local Development Plan)
Fife Council are preparing a new Local Development Plan. This will be known as Fife's Place Plan. Once adopted, Fife's Place Plan will replace the existing Local Development Plan (FIFEplan). It will also replace the Supplementary Guidance on Affordable Housing, Low Carbon Fife, Making Fife’s Places, and Minerals.
Along with the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), it will form the statutory development plan for Fife. It will set out the planning policies and proposals for the use and development of land across Fife for the next 10 to 20 years.
NPF4 is the national spatial strategy for Scotland. It sets out the spatial principles, regional priorities, national developments, and national planning policy.
Place Matters
Place Matters - Call for sites and ideas now open
This is an opportunity for stakeholders including community councils, landowners, and developers to put forward ideas or sites they would like to be considered for inclusion in Fife's Place Plan, the next Local Development Plan.
The call for sites and ideas event will run for 14 weeks from 18 November 2024 to noon on the 24 February 2025.
Please use the Call for Sites form if you want to submit sites for consideration in the plan. The associated questions will ask you to provide information to justify why the site and your proposal should be included in the plan. Please provide as much information as possible.
Use the Call for Ideas form to tell us your ideas regarding development and land use issues which affect Fife. This includes your thoughts about new or existing policies and designations for the new Local Development Plan.
Guidance has also been prepared to help you complete the questions in the consultation portal.
All submissions must be made through our consultation portal. Submissions made through other channels such as through Fife Council email addresses will not be accepted. However, if you are submitting a site or idea on behalf of a community, we will just be looking for you to complete the questions that you can.
Please note, that sites included in the adopted FIFEplan will not automatically be carried forward into Fife's Place Plan.
Proposals within Local Place Plans will help inform Fife's Place Plan. Community groups that have submitted a Local Place Plan do not need to be re-submit their Local Place Plan (or proposals contained within them) through the Call for sites and ideas.
We look forward to receiving your ideas for Fife's places.
For more information on Key stages and timescales, you can read more here