Industry Welcome to Fife

Dunfermline Visitor Information Point

19 September 2023

Welcome to Fife, Dunfermline and West Fife Local Tourism Association and OnFife collaborate to create new city centre visitor information point.

For the past few years there has been a lack of an in-person visitor information service in Dunfermline. Now Welcome to Fife, Dunfermline & West Fife Local Tourism Association (LTA) and Dunfermline Carnegie Library and Galleries (OnFife) have joined forces to create a dedicated information point at the venue welcome point within the galleries.

The information point uses a QR code to direct visitors to the Welcome to Fife website – - where Fife tourism businesses can list their businesses free of charge.

The Welcome to Fife website is the destination website for visitors and potential visitors planning their trip to Fife. With over 25,000 views every month, the website offers businesses a fantastic platform to promote their business. The Welcome to Fife team regularly updates the website with new inspirational content which gives businesses listed on the site the opportunity to feature across Welcome to Fife social media, e-newsletter and promotional campaigns. 

The Welcome Team at Dunfermline Carnegie Library and Galleries have received training on how to navigate the website and have been provided with additional marketing materials, including a new city centre map to help guests navigate their way around, information booklets about Dunfermline and West Fife and information leaflets from other Fife local tourism associations to allow visitors to explore the region.

Visitors can also access free Wi-Fi within the galleries on their own device or from one of the library computers.

With a soft launch in July, the information point has proved popular, and partners are now looking for ways to add to the project and roll out across other Fife towns in partnership with local tourism associations, OnFife and other suitable venues.

Altany Craik, spokesperson for Tourism at Fife Council said, “This partnership is stage 1 of a new approach to providing information to visitors, enabling them to find what they need themselves, or to speak to someone who is familiar with the local area. The Welcome to Fife team look forward to developing this with partners in other destinations across the area, and for more venues to benefit from the added footfall that hosting an information point brings.”

Tracy McCafferty – Dunfermline Carnegie Library & Galleries are delighted to partner with Welcome To Fife to provide an in-person visitor information point at the entrance to our venue.  We have always been a source of information for local, national and international visitors however having a dedicated website to signpost them to about all the wonderful places, businesses and events in Fife is a fantastic addition to the information we already provide.

Donald MacKenzie, Chair of Dunfermline and West Fife Local Tourism Association said, “It is great that after an absence there is now a point in the City of Dunfermline where visitors and locals can get access to information that will enhance their experience of both Dunfermline and the wider Fife area. The LTA have been delighted to support this venture and to provide the funding for the provision of the Dunfermline City maps which are in a prominent position on the welcome desk at the DCLG. There is a QR code on the maps linking to the  website, which, with funding from the Dunfermline Area Community Recovery Fund, the LTA are developing as a destination website for visitors”.

Tourism businesses across Fife are invited to add a free listing to the Welcome to Fife website, for further information please contact

Picture features Rodger Pickering from OnFife Dunfermline Carnegie, Library and Galleries

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