Industry Welcome to Fife

Climate Action Micro Grant Available

31 October 2022

Fife Council is supporting community organisations and small rural businesses to make positive climate changes, through one of these main areas; energy, land management, local food, less waste and active travel.

The funding is for community organisations/small rural businesses to support with costs to make long term climate action changes. The funding can be used for:

Energy - electric charging points

Community building improvements

Land management - planting trees, biodiversity

Local food - local sources directories, allotments, reducing food waste

Waste reduction – supporting reuse and recycle

Active travel – Walking and cycling challenges addressed

As this is a Micro-grant, the maximum amount of funding available is £2,000. This fund is open to all community organisations and small rural business.

More information and terms and conditions can be found in the document below. The deadline for applications is 12 noon on the 21st November 2022.

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